You are my heart and soul You are my passion

You are my heart and soul
You are my passion and desire
I am so in love with you
It consumes me like fire

To feel your touch or your warm embrace
To lay soft kisses upon your face
To touch your soul as you have mine
To caress your skin would be devine

My heart is full to say the least
With you in my life I have found my peace
A piece of heaven I think I will ask
For God to protect you as these days pass

For my life without you would be a waste
To miss the moment when we are face to face
For then I will tell you that you are my love
No one will I ever have above

You have stolen my heart it is for no other
If you were to leave me I would surely suffer
You have made me whole with the love you have given
And this heart of mine you will forever live in

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