Letzz have fun. FWD ALL N GET UR TITLES 😁

Letzz have fun. FWD ALL N GET UR TITLES 😁
1. 👊 fighter
2. 😍 My love
3. 💃 best dancer
4. 😚 My life
5. 😭 Always crying
6. ☺ Mr/ Ms. Innocent
7. 👶 Babyness
9. 😡 Selfish
11. 🙎 Soft
12. 😏 Mr./ Ms . Attitude
13. 👀 Talking with eyes
14. 👌Super
15. 👔 Model 
16. ❤ Alive heart
17. 👦 Best Person ever
18. 🏆 Bharat Ratna 
19. 💪 Beast
20. 👺 Most Annoying
21. 🎱 Player
22. 🌷 Most Caring
23. 🐅 The King 
24. 👼 Free Minded
25. 🍟 foody
26.🃏 joker
27. 📷 Photogenic
28. 👮 different from all
29. 💝 Most Emotional
30. 🐣 new born baby
31. 👬 Best Friend, no 1 else
32.😘 Romantic
33. 😜 most comedian
34. 🎶 Good singer
35. 👫 Good frnd 
36.🐰 play boy

And which titles will u give me.....?????????

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